Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hidden Beach, El Nido (Tour C) 4/16

Finally, a new post after 2 months of hiatus! lol
As usual, got hit by the lazy bug and I just got really unmotivated to make a blog entry the past few months.
Anyway, I'm back now! hopefully, my renewed self (?) will last til the end of the year so I could continue with all the lagged posts waiting to be written!!

Starting off with the continuation of my long overdue El Nido trip!hahaha
This happened over 6 months ago so pls forgive me if I might forget some details of the trip =/

As you may or may not remember, my last entry was about the Coral Garden.
After that, we headed to the Hidden Beach which is one of my faves in this tour.

Same with the Secret Beach, Hidden Beach is concealed by some high rock formations so again the boat will dock a bit far and you have to swim/walk your way to the beach.
This is what makes Tour C amazing, it's quite an adventure reaching these beautiful places!

The beach is right behind those 2 huge cliffs on the left..

There you go.

The perfect spot!
You could see the path where we swam from the boat in the middle and the beach on the right side.


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