Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Cadlao Lagoon, El Nido (Tour D) 4/16

YAS after months of negligence in posting, I can finally move on
and share with you the islands/beaches included in the E Nido Tour D package!

First stop, Cadlao Lagoon! 

Brief info about Tour D:
The tour is mainly composed of several beaches and this lagoon.
Hence, it's not as popular and diverse like the attractions on Tour A & C.
I myself also felt that all the beaches look the same already LOL
But I think this is still equally worth the trip.
Just manage your expectations and have a good time!

As I mentioned before in my 411 El Nido post, Cadlao is my most
favorite in this tour. Just like the Small and Big Lagoon, this is also very serene and beautiful.
Every angle was picturesque and the best part was that it's not crowded!

You see what I mean?? The whole lagoon all to ourselves!
You don't get this much in the other places.


One of the limestone formations in the lagoon ❤❤❤

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