Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cabugao Island, Gigantes Island Hopping Feb 2016

3rd destination for the island hopping was the very popular, Cabugao Island!

It was very near to Bantigue Sandbar, prolly 10 minutes(?) away...

So pretty! Don't you just get all excited once the boat is about to dock??
Well, I always get that feeling! hehe

This is the famous rock to climb and get a good view of the island.

The water is so inviting!
Just like Antonia, there are 2 sides of the beach...

The area where most boats dock and..

this one..where the water is more deep blue/azure in color ;)

There are some artsy stone structure in this side too LOL

Time to conquer this rock!

The entrance...

You need to squeeze yourself in this tiny hole nyahaha

Going up wasn't so difficult.
It will only take you 5-7 minutes to reach the top ;)

This view!!
Love the shades of blue on both sides <3

If you search Gigantes Islands on Google or elsewhere, you would most likely see images of this view on top of this one! =P

After cam-whoring on top, we decided to go to the secret beach just a few walks from the main beach.

So beautiful!
We swam here for a couple of minutes and took pictures.

And that's our tour guide telling us that we need to go already LOL

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