Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul March 2015

Situated between Gyeongbokgung and Changdeokgung palaces, Bukchon Hanok Village is the place to go if you're interested to see traditional folk houses in Seoul.

Before going directly to the village, I suggest you stop by their tourist information first. They'll provide you with a map and recommend some good spots you could go to in the village ;)

Even though this place is considered a tourist spot, it is still a residential area so it is strictly forbidden to make noises, smoke or litter while going around. 

Visiting hours is from 10 am till sunset and there's no entrance fee!

There are also a lot of cafes and museums in the area so take your time going around.

Brief info about the village: 
1. Bukchon Hanok (Northern Village) is named as such because its located to the north of Cheongyecheon Stream and Jongno

2. These traditional Korean houses are called "hanoks"

3. Bukcheon represents Seoul's history dating back to over 600 years during the Joseon Dynasty.

suddenly, a pretty spot for a photo-op lol

Perfect location for a prenup/wedding shoot too!

You could also rent out  traditional costumes.
Too bad, we already tried this in Namsangol Hanok =/ 
I think it's much better here in Bukchon since you could take pics with the hanoks as your background!

Just like what they're doin! *envy*

....so let me photobomb your shoot nyahahaha! kidding
I really wanted to take a pic with this golden gate lol =P

knock knock*

 tourists lining up the street

i could've photoshopped the people away but oh well......haha

I'm seriously gonna copy this cherry blossom wall in my future home! *love*

You could go to this private observatory when you've become tired from all the walking and you just wanna settle quietly in one place.

It's on the 3rd floor which gives you a good rooftop view of Bukchon.

Entrance is 3,000 won for adults and 2,000 for minors.
Comes with a free beverage and wifi!

central view


...right hehe =)

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