Friday, December 25, 2015

Nami Island, Korea March 2015

If you ask me, no "Korea trip" is complete without going to Nami Island.

How to get to Nami:
~The most convenient way is to use the shuttle bus that goes directly to Nami from Insadong or Namdaemun. It leaves at 9:30 am and departs from Nami at 4 pm.
 One-way and round trip tickets are available but reservation is required.

~Another way is by taking a subway from Seoul. 
It takes an hour to get to Gapyeong station, which is the nearest station to Nami.
 After that, you need to ride the bus or take a taxi from Gapyeong to the port.
The bus schedule is every 2 hours and it starts at 9am ;)

Make sure to start early and allot a whole day so you can make the most out of your visit!

Namiseom or Naminara Republic is considered a micronation.
Hence, you need to go through an immigration area and get your visa upon purchasing your ticket.

Admission fee is 8,000 won for foreigners so don't forget to bring your id/passport!

We arrived around 12 noon already and it was crowded!
So many group tours come here so again, I highly recommend you
come here early!!!

A lot of trees are scattered all over the island and these pine trees are the first ones you'll see.
This is one of the popular spots to take your picture so expect many people photobombing you lol

There's so many things to see here including this ostrich farm lol =P

Can I have you for thanksgiving?! chos!

Yeoncheon Jeongok-ri Site
- a world renowned pleistocene hominid's habitat

And of course, some Winter Sonata "areas"

the spot where they had their first kiss =P

pictorial muna lol

There's also a lot of exhibits around here!

Some activities you could do are biking, zipline, sky bike etc.

There's also a hotel/lodging available if you want to stay overnight ;)

Another popular spot for photo-ops is this Metasequoia lane.
They began planting these in 1977! WOW


ahhh perfect!

Yes, Yoo-jin and Jun-sang are everywhere!
There's no escape!!! LOL

suddenly, a cute squirrel shows up

can't get enough of em gingko trees <3

It's quite tiring to stroll around Nami so make sure to try out some of the food available like this steamed bread with red bean filling!

Mum and I settled for a sausage nyahahaha =P

some strange ice/snow formation that hasn't completely melted haha =P

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