Friday, December 11, 2015

Insadong + Hongdae, Seoul March 2015

After Bukchon, we headed straight to Insadong for a more "relaxed" sight seeing lol.
I've never been here before so I made sure to include it in our itinerary.

Insadong is also a popular shopping destination.
There's a lot of antique stores, clothing, accessories, crafts and cafes around here!

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

suddenly, the most intricate origami designs I've ever seen! O_O

If you're a tea lover like me then I highly reco u check out O'sulloc Tea House!
It's a cafe specializing in traditional Korean green tea from Jeju Island.
 love love love <3

Greentea latte + tiramisu cheesecake and Iced hallabong!
The iced hallabong was sooooo good

A famous shopping complex in Insadong is Ssamziegil.
It's dubbed as the "special Insadong" within Insadong.

Most stores here offer tax refund for foreigners btw! Yay <3

Ssamziegil's spiral-like staircase

Love this store!
They sell cute musical boxes in cute designs <3

Perfect souvenir item!
 I also love the fact that it has a "Made in Korea" stamp beneath it  -i'm all about buying "authentic" stuff abroad lol

what do you know, another hanbok rental available here too!

the rooftop is the best! make sure to come here~

there's like a mini park full of letters written in round stationaries

the holy wall of love(?) messages hihi

obviously, a couple spot

After Insadong, I went to Hongdae to meet up with my student.
Ah, this is why I'm so envious of Korean and Japanese' subways!!! it's soooo easy to transfer from one place to another without getting stuck in the damn traffic! -_-
(sorry, just wanna let that out since this post is so timely with all the traffic mayhem happening in ph right now =P )

We shared this humongous strawberry bingsu <3

and took a purikura ;)

Hongdae is also filled with many shops and restos.
Since it's near some universities, a lot of students hang out here.
Yea, it's a hipster place like that lol

Then it's dinner time with my friend who's an Asiana cabin crew hihi
She treated me to a BBQ buffet resto in Hongdae. YUM

samgyeopsal overload!!

super cute coffee shop  <3

there's also some artistic walls you could see here too!

Now im missing Korea!!!

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