Saturday, April 11, 2015

Tokyo Sights 2014

Combining all the other spots that I was able to wander around during our Tokyo December trip last year ;)
Since this is our second time in this city, we just went to random places that can easily go with our "main" itinerary hehe 

Anyway, here's how the subway map of Tokyo looks like!
Ugh, I'm so jealous with Japan's railway system!

Fact: I've always liked taking pictures at the tracks most specially when I went to Tokyo the very first time 10 years ago! haha
Tip: best to do this around 10-11 pm, when it's almost time for the last trip and everybody has gotten home already LOL

Shibuya scramble crossing!
I don't have a "proper" photo of me here before, so it was one of my goals to get one on this trip nyahahaha

Just *had* to do a fake "candid" couple pic LOL

Tip: don't go to the Starbucks, Shibuya (Tsutaya branch) in the morning if you're planning to take pics/videos of the crossing, TOO HOT and the sun directly hits in your location so all you can see is the reflection! not good =/

Shibuya 109! I had to restrain myself even though I wanted to go all out and do some crazy shopping here huhu ~oh well, maybe next time!

Still at Shibuya...reminds me of Dotonbori in Osaka :)

Hachiko, Christmas edition =P

I just had to. She's an icon!hihi

Omotesando Hills.
If you're up for some high end brand shopping, then this is the place to be!
It's also nice to do "people watching" here. Everyone's so chic!

muahaha how tourist-y!

Roponggi Hills
I like this gigantic spider. It's creepy and amazing at the same time LOL

lovin' my mom's shot though hehe

Wako store in Ginza.
I was actually clueless what this building is when I took this pic but there were numerous tourists taking a shot of it so I joined in the bandwagon hahahaha

Anyway, this is a popular department store in Ginza which sells different kinds of upscale products.

The world's largest Uniqlo (flagship) store in Chuo Dori, Ginza.
12 floors of Uniqlo goodness y'all! OMG

Jose Rizal statue at Hibiya Park.
*Filipino proud moment*

Love that artsy building at the back!

Ending this post with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building @ Shinjuku
Best thing about this building? It has a free observatory!!!
This is your best bet if you want an alternative to Tokyo Sky tree ;)

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