Monday, January 23, 2017

El Nido (Tour D) Beaches 4/16

IMHO, It's gonna be difficult if I try to differentiate each beach in Tour D because at the end of the day, they all look so similar! hahaha
So here's a compilation of all the beaches we visited~~

First stop, Ipil Beach!

It was so peaceful. 
There were only 2 groups (including us) when we went there(!) -this is the good point of Tour D haha

Next was, Natnat Beach
It was just a small beach with a good view of some mountains...

Then, Pasandigan Beach.
Lots of Coconut trees here!

7 Comandos -which I think is the most popular for foreigners.

Lots of chairs and tables on the beach front.

There's also a store selling overpriced fruit shakes and halo-halo! lol

Last stop was Papaya beach.
It was almost sundown when we arrived but I think it's also a really pretty beach
 based on the pics I saw on Ig :)

the beachlife!


  1. Excellent post about "El Nido (Tour D) Beaches 4/16"

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