Monday, December 28, 2015

Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul March 2015

Dongdaemun Design Plaza or simply DDP, is a huge modern plaza connected to several buildings which consists of museums, conference hall, shops, cafe etc.

This wasn't actually part of our itinerary but one night while on our way home, we noticed how cool the structure was and the lights accompanying it so we decided to come back the next day hihi

We just took pictures outside coz it was still early when we went.
All of the exhibition halls/museums were not yet open =/
Oh well, next time!

Not sure if you could imagine how big it is but it's really gigantic! LOL

There's also a hop on/hop off bus stop here! Perfect*

*Of course* I had to camwhore in this area lol

my LOOKBOOK shots haha =P

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