Saturday, December 26, 2015

Petite France, Korea March 2015

After Nami Island, we went straight to Petite France.
Petite France is popular for the film location of some Korean dramas like Secret Garden and My Love from the Star.

You can take the Gapyeong Bus Tour (same bus going to Nami) to get here.
If you still have time, you could also include The Garden of Morning Calm on your itinerary after this ;)

What Petite France looks like from outside!

As soon as you go inside, you'd feel like you've been transported to some French cultural village!
Makes you think if you're still in Korea! lol

Look at all those pastel colored buildings..
Sooo beautiful  

Yea, I had to take a pic of it in every angle bwahaha =P

The area is quite big, you could go up these stairs which leads to some exhibition halls.

Even the interiors is so pretty!

Every corner is just picturesque  

Art exhibit

The Little Prince memorabilia.
The concept of Petite France is actually derived from  the Little Prince.

 view from the tower

so many dining options!

but we settled for some odeng(fish cake soup) and waffles.
I know, odd combo hihi

eating with this view <3

i think this would be so pretty at night!

Outdoor theater where they hold the puppet performance.

Petite France's very own Eiffel <3

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